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📝📜 Daily Journal Prompt 55

📝📜 Daily Journal Prompt 55
Photo by Josh Couch / Unsplash

Subject: Escaping Self Doubt

Hey Friends,

Welcome back 👋

As I reflect on my recent indulgence in the Modern Wisdom podcast episode featuring Lewis Howes, there's a particular point of discussion that keeps echoing in my mind. It's about the power of self-talk, a recurring theme in our lives that often goes unexamined. Lewis's story, his journey from being a professional athlete to a celebrated podcaster and author, is a testament to the power of words - the words we tell ourselves.

In the episode, Lewis underscored the destructive power of self-doubt. It's a silent dream killer, more lethal than a lack of capability. His words stirred something within me, reminding me of a fundamental truth of Stoicism. Just like the Stoics, Lewis discusses a fundemental truth that we have the power over our own minds, not outside events. We can't control the circumstances of life, but we can control how we respond to them. It's in our response that our true power lies.

Lewis presented a vivid image during the podcast:

imagine if our internal dialogues were recorded and played out loud. Would we be shocked at the negativity? Would we believe the person uttering those words was sane?

I'm paraphrasing, but this moment of introspection struck a chord with me, and I was instantly reminded of a cornerstone of Stoic philosophy. The Stoics teach us that our reactions, our internal dialogues, are within our control. The external world may be beyond our reach, but our thoughts, our words to ourselves, are ours to command.

Inspired by the enlightening conversation with Lewis Howes, today's journal prompt is an exploration of our inner narratives, a deep dive into the language of our minds.

Reflect on your self-talk. What phrases or words do you often tell yourself that carry a negative tone? How do these words affect your mood, your self-esteem, and your decision-making? Now, imagine replacing these words with positive affirmations. What would these affirmations be? How would this shift in self-talk change the way you feel about yourself and the way you approach life's challenges?

This journal prompt is not just about introspection, it's about transformation. It's about recognizing that our words have power, and we can use this power to uplift ourselves. We can be our own cheerleaders, our own source of positivity and encouragement.

We all carry the potential for greatness within us, and sometimes, it's just a matter of speaking the right words to ourselves to bring this greatness to light.

Let's take this opportunity to transform our self-talk from a source of negativity into a beacon of positivity. It can be hard to go through our thoughts and self reflect on our past traumas. It's the same reason that most people find exercising to be easier than meditating. You can track your workouts, you feel the progress as you push through a grueling workout. I believe journaling provides a very similar benefit. We are able to work through our internal battles and track our progress.

Podcasts, Books and journaling have helped me through very difficult points in my life and I want everyone to be able to experience the feeling of self worth, and the understanding that you are good enough, you are worthy and you are loved. Remember, we all have the capacity to be our own heroes. The journey starts within.

Until our next rendezvous.

With all my heart

Your Friend, Austin ❤✌

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