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📝📜 Daily Journal Prompt 77

Journey through the raw and emotive music of Jessie Reyez and discover how suffering and solace shape our lives. Reflect on these themes for personal growth and self-discovery.

📝📜 Daily Journal Prompt 77
Photo by Razvan Ioan / Unsplash

Subject: Finding Solace in Suffering: Life Lessons from Jessie Reyez's Powerful TED Talk and Music"

With the inspirational wisdom from the renowned singer-songwriter Jessie Reyez's TED talk in mind, let's delve into today's journal prompt.

Jessie Reyez, in her talk, performed two powerful songs, "STILL C U" and "Figures," punctuating her performance with a profound revelation about life. She declared, "We're born, we grow, we die, and life is suffering."  -Pretending to end her ted talk there. Yet through the sarcasm and the laughter there is an echo of the universal human experience, a stark reality that is often masked in our day-to-day interactions. But it is within this suffering, Reyez suggests, that we find the essence of life, a premise that is deeply rooted in her music.

Her songs, draw upon her personal struggles and the shared experiences of humanity, weave together threads of sadness and hope. A girl in 2016 with nothing but dreams and heartbreak burts into the studio and lays it all out there for everyone to hear and feel her suffering the way so many of us have in our own lives. And it is that very heartache and suffering that propelled her to the life she lives now. Those songs are a testament to her belief that each of us has the power to shape our reality, to construct solace amidst the ruins. "Life is what we make it," she asserts, a sentiment mirrored in her music's raw, emotive vignettes.

As a reflection of Reyez's insights, today's journal prompt invites you to explore your own experiences with suffering and creation.

How has suffering shaped your life, and how have you created solace from the ruins?

As you ponder this question, consider the ways in which your experiences have influenced your perspective on life. Reflect on the moments of pain and how they've steered your path. Then, look at how you've managed to create comfort and solace amidst these struggles. Have you channeled your experiences into a creative outlet like Reyez does with her music? Or perhaps, you've formed connections, fostered resilience, or discovered new avenues of joy?

Remember, journaling is a journey of self-discovery and a tool for personal growth. I believe with this amazing tool and with a heart full of love, we can really make something special.

Like Reyez said- "Even when we can't see it, the greater good is always working in our favor."

Stay tuned for tomorrow's prompt, where we'll continue to explore more lessons like this.

Until our next rendezvous.

With all my heart

Your Friend, Austin ❤✌

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