Guided Daily Journal Entry With Austin Day 1: How Do You Want To Be Remembered?

Many of us have at one point or another have purchased a journal with the intention of organizing out life, goal setting, story telling or any other kind of pen to paper dream we have. I am no different. My name is Austin Snow. I started this blog in October of 2022 with the goal of using my writing as way to help others on their respective self improvement journey. My dream has somewhat lacked direction and after months of working on it I came up with this idea.

Daily Prompted Journal Challenge.

I love writing, and I have always found that having a creative outlet allows me to be more productive, more grateful and enthusiastic about life. I also struggle with writers block, the words just don't always flow the way I hope they will and that is where this my idea for a daily guided journal entry came from.

I will be posting a daily writing prompt on various location including this blog, Twitter and eventually Youtube. Each day will include one random question or thought intended to help you write along to. My hope is that we can create something we can pass down generation after generation. This will be a journal of you. Your thoughts, emotions, beliefs and stories for you to reflect on. If this sounds like something you would like to participate in please sunscribe to the email sign up link so you can recieve the daily writing prompt directly to your email. Also, please share this with anyone you think could benefit from daily journaling. We all have so much inside of us to offer, we can leave amazing memories and stories for generations after us to remember us by. With that being said, Today will be the 1st day of the journaling challenge, I look forward to many more to come!

Day One: How Do You Want To Be Remembered?  

I thought this would be a good place to start as its been something on my mind a lot lately. I met a new friend at the gym the other day and through a pretty casual initial conversation I found out that just one year prior he had a stroke and was still recovering. I was taken back when he told me this because what had led to this conversation was him asking me to spot him on his bench press lift in which he proceeded to hit 315 pounds, something the doctors had told him would not be possible ever again after his stay in the ICU for 3 months. To say I was motivated by this would be an understatment. After talking for another 30 minutes I learned more about him. He is young, 26. He is married and had just had his first child shortly before his stroke. He competed in powerlifting competitions and is very passionate about fitness.

I walked away from our conversation with a new found appeciation for my health, my famiy and my life. It can all be taken away from you so quickly. Which led me to think about todays journl prompt. How do I want to be remembered? My quick answer is as a physically and mentally strong man. A devoted and loving husband and father. All of the common things I imagine most people would want. But What I write in my joutnal will go a littlw deeper into this question.

It's crazy how one interaction with someone can have such a profound impact on your life. If I were to never see this man again I would remember his as a fighter, a man motivated by the love of his family and someone who inspired me.

This is how I will remember him.

How Do You Want To Be Remembered?

Get those journals out and lets start working on our own story. I am excited for this journey and thank you for being apart of it!

Until Tomorrow!
