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Journal Prompt #231 📝📜

What step can you take today towards a goal you've been postponing? A journal Prompt just for you.

Journal Prompt #231 📝📜
Journal Daily

"The only impossible journey is the one you never begin." - Tony Robbins.

Tony Robbins

The Study

Journal Reflection

What step can you take today towards a goal you've been postponing?

Hello Everyone. For Those of you who have been waiting for this letter, I can't express my gratitude enough for all of your patience. To those who are new here, let me get you up to speed.

Austin S.

My name is Austin. I started this newsletter "The Daily Journal Prompt" last year as a way to take a step towards my own goals.

I wanted to connect with a community of people who, like myself , want to become a version of themselves that they know they are capable of becoming. I wanted to connect with people who found a ton of value in writing, and reflecting in a journal. Connect with people who love to listen to podcasts, read great books, day dream about life and a pursuit of knowledge, health and happiness and over the course of 220 days I did just that.

Over the course of six months this newsletter was gaining a lot of traction, hundreds of regular readers, thousands of page views a month, momentum was on my side, at least on a surface level.

What was not shown behind the scenes was a man struggling with a lot of self doubt, conflicting priorities, and a metaphorical gas tank that was already running low and being pushed to it's limit.

For those who don't know, my name is Austin. I am 30 years old, married and a father of 3. I work full time, I still attend university. I accepted a new job position that uprooted my family from our home in Utah and landed us in the ever green state of Washington.

These are all the things going on in my life while simultaneously trying to start a new blog and newsletter series that requires a ton of effort. I am learning new skills every day. Writing, Marketing, SEO, Website Development, legal requirements of running a website, and so on.

I don't say all of this to get a pat on the back or to make excuses for myself. I just wanted to share a little backstory to help give some context to the new readers why I am here. And to all the fellow long time readers why I have dropped the ball the last few months.

I was BURNT OUT to say the least.

So why am I telling you all this?

Well for one, to be transparent with you on the struggles of pursuing a goal that you have been postponing. Tying this into today's Journal Prompt Question, this whole thing is the result of me taking those steps to pursue a goal.

Another reason is to provide some updates on the direction of where this newsletter is going. As I regroup and I start forging A new path and taking new steps towards continuing this goal the reality is maintaining a daily posting schedule is not something I foresee. I want to provide great content for you all. I want to feel fully engaged and committed. That being said, I have not decided on the exact posting schedule yet.

I am currently leaning towards a weekly email that goes into a little more detail, and gives us something to focus on for the week ahead. I also like a 3x weekly schedule but it is still undetermined at this point.

I would love your input! Really. If you have any input or options on the matter please leave a comment on here, email me directly or reach out on X

Regardless, my main goal remains The same. To provide you all with content that can help provide reflection and growth on your own personal self development journey and I appreciate Your trust in me.

Did You Know?

Studies show that learning a new skill can improve brain function and enhance problem-solving skills, making you more adaptable in everyday life.

Simpson Gif

The Nightingale- Kristin Hannah

What I'm Reading

The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah

This week, I've been listening to "The Nightingale" by Kristin Hannah. This powerful novel set in World War II France narrates the extraordinary story of two sisters, Vianne and Isabelle, who find themselves thrust into the chaos of war.

Vianne, the older sister, must navigate life under Nazi occupation, making choices that challenge her beliefs and will to survive. Her journey is a testament to the silent yet formidable strength found in enduring and protecting those we love.

Isabelle, younger and rebellious, is drawn to the French Resistance. Her courage and determination to fight for freedom are awe-inspiring, showcasing the impact one individual can have in the face of adversity.

What strikes me most about this novel is the portrayal of resilience and the human spirit. The story delves into themes of survival, love, and the often-overlooked roles women played during the war. It challenges the reader to consider the moral complexities of wartime and the unseen battles fought by those away from the frontlines.

As we explore our paths of self-improvement, "The Nightingale" serves as a powerful reminder of the strength we all possess and the resilience we can muster in the face of challenging circumstances. It's a story that not only captivates but also inspires, encouraging us to find our inner strength and to stand up for what we believe in, no matter the odds.

What I'm Listening To

JRE 2089 Joey Diaz.

Podcast: The Joe Rogan Experience
Episode: #2089 with guest Joey Diaz

Alright, let's talk podcasts. This week, I tuned into The Joe Rogan Experience, specifically episode 2089 with Joey Diaz. Guys, this one's a gem. Joey Diaz, if you don’t know him, is this super candid, funny guy with a life story that’s both wild and deeply touching.

(PSA- these shows can be vulgar, a lot of swearing, and stories that might not be for everyone. Just a heads up)

In this episode, Joey gets real about everything from his rough childhood to his ups and downs in Hollywood. What’s awesome about his talk is how he keeps things light even when he’s discussing heavy stuff. He’s got this knack for mixing humor with life lessons, which makes you think and laugh at the same time.

They dive into topics like staying true to yourself, the importance of humor in life, and not being afraid to fail. Joey’s take on resilience is something else – he’s lived through a lot and his perspective on bouncing back and pushing through is super inspiring. It’s a great listen for anyone who's facing challenges or just trying to get better at rolling with life’s punches.

One thing that stuck with me was when Joey talked about authenticity. In a world where everyone's trying to be something, Joey’s all about being yourself, no matter how messy or imperfect that might be. It's a solid reminder for all of us on this self-improvement journey.

So if you’re looking for something that’s a mix of real talk, life lessons, and good laughs, give this episode a listen. It’s a perfect example of how learning and growth aren’t just about the serious stuff – they're also about finding joy in the journey and the stories we tell.

Here are a few honorable mentions for those who may not love Joe Rogan that I also listened to this week

Modern Wisdom

Andrew Huberman- Huberman Lab

Lex Friedman Podcast

Challenge Accepted

Weekly Challenge

Challenge: Spend 15 minutes each day learning something new.

This week, I'm throwing down a really cool challenge for all of us. Let’s commit to spending just 15 minutes each day learning something new. It sounds simple, but you'd be amazed at how this small daily habit can add up to big changes.

You can pick anything that sparks your curiosity. Maybe it's starting a new language on a language app, like my wife is doing currently, (Swedish if you were curious) learning to cook a new recipe, picking up a few chords on a guitar, or even diving into some interesting history or science facts. The idea is to make learning a fun and regular part of your day.

Here’s the fun part – as we go through the week, let's share our experiences. What are you learning? Is it harder or easier than you expected? Any cool moments of 'Aha!'?

And hey, if you’re feeling stuck on what to learn, here’s a tip: think about something you said "I wish I knew more about that" recently. It could be anything from astronomy to zumba. That’s your starting point.

The goal here is not just to learn something new, but to build the habit of learning and growing a little every day. It’s about making our brains work in new ways and finding joy in discovery. Who knows, by the end of the week, you might just find a new hobby or passion!

So, let’s do this together. Fifteen minutes, one new thing each day. Are you in? Let’s make this week a week of learning and growing!

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Reach Out To Me @ for sponsorship opportunities. The 1st one is on me 😉

Wrapping Up

I hope this week's content has sparked some new thoughts, brought a few smiles, and maybe even ignited a fire in you to keep pushing, keep learning, and keep growing. Remember, every step, no matter how small, is a step forward in our journey of self-improvement.

As we wrap up this newly formatted issue, I want to encourage you to reflect on the changes and learning you’ve embraced this week. What surprised you? What challenged you? These reflections are golden nuggets in our journey, so cherish them.

And hey, don't forget to share your experiences, especially with our weekly challenge! Drop a comment, send an email, or hit us up on social media. Your stories and insights not only motivate me but also the entire community we're building here.

Looking ahead, the next few issues are going to be really exciting as we build on this new series. We've got some fantastic topics lined up, and I can't wait to share them with you.

Until then, keep shining, keep striving, and remember – the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Take that step, and let's make every moment count!

See you soon!

With all my heart,
Your Friend, Austin ❤✌

P.S. Don't forget to sign up for our newsletter for more insights and prompts. Your support means the world to me!

You might be reading this but if you're not subscribed you could be missing out on exclusive content and other articles just like these. So please Leave a thumbs up, subscribe and i'll catch you on the next one! ✌🏻

Check Out All The Gear I Use For My Daily Journaling And WorkFlow

My Everyday Leather notebook Folio 📔
My Current Favorite Personal Journal 📚 

The Every Day Carry Brass Pen 🖊️ 

How I listen to all my podcasts and books🎧 

How I write all of the content I deliver to you beautiful people. 💻 

My Everyday carry bag 💼 

Where I get all of my Audio Books 📚 

Until Our Next Rendezvous 

With all my heart,

Your Friend, Austin ❤✌

P.S. Many of you asked how you can help support this journaling movement, the most helpful thing you can do is leave a thumbs up 👍 leave a comment 💬 and share this post with your friends and family who might also find this topic interesting. Also Follow me on X formerly twitter @AmelioratingMan As this continues to grow I plan to add some kind of referral program to reward your support and I am also currently working behind the scenes on some exciting projects and giveaways for you all so stay tuned for that. Thank you all so much! Happy journaling! ♥

p. ps: I recently partnered with Amazon's affiliate program so any link provided on this post or any other place on my site that you may click on and make a purchase I will receive a small commission. I personally select what products are featured on here and I will never recommend anything I don't already use myself. Thank you all for the continued love and support.
