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Poor Time Management? These Tips Will Allow You To Fully Maximize Your Day.

Essential Tips To Help You Master The Art Of Time Management.

Poor Time Management? These Tips Will Allow You To  Fully Maximize Your Day.
Photo by Renáta-Adrienn / Unsplash
Morning planning
Photo by Debby Hudson / Unsplash

Time management is probably one of the hardest skills to master. It’s also one of the most important ones. But it can be so hard to keep track of everything going on in your life and make sure you’re spending your time in a way that helps you achieve your goals and maintain successful relationships in your life. If you are juggling multiple roles as many of us are these days, then time management becomes even more crucial. Often times we barely have enough time to finish all our tasks, let alone spend too much time on any activity or project. Fortunately, there are many ways to increase productivity and manage your time better - no matter how busy you are. In this blog post, we will look at some great tips on how to improve your time management skills and optimise your day.

London Underground atrium
Photo by Anna Dziubinska / Unsplash

Write down your to-do list every morning

stationery love
Photo by Marissa Grootes / Unsplash

If you do this every morning, then you’ll have a clear idea of what you need to accomplish each day. This will help you to avoid getting overwhelmed with too many tasks at once. You can separate urgent tasks from those that are important but less urgent or important but not urgent. If you’re a visual person, then you can try using a wall poster to write down all your tasks for the day. You can also use a notebook, a computer or an app to write down your to-do list. You can also write down your to-do list based on different areas of your life like work, family, health, hobbies, and others. This helps you to focus on the right tasks at the right time.

Monthly schedule
Photo by Eric Rothermel / Unsplash

Create a schedule and stick to it

We often hear that we need to work smarter, not harder. This can be achieved by creating a schedule and sticking to it. You can break down your tasks into daily, weekly, monthly or even yearly activities. Having a schedule will help you to avoid overloading your schedule with too many tasks. It will also help you to avoid taking on too many tasks and commitments at the same time.  Also, if you work with clients or customers, it’s a good idea to share your schedule. This will help to reduce the number of unplanned interruptions in your day.

Estimate how long tasks will take and remember the 80/20 rule

This is a great approach to prioritising your tasks. Use the Pareto principle or 80/20 rule which states that 20% of your activities will account for 80% of your results. The same is true for your time. For example, you can use this approach to identify which tasks will take up most of your time. You can then schedule time to focus on those tasks first. You can also use this approach to identify which tasks are urgent but not important. You can then decide to ignore those tasks or delegate them to someone else. Another great way to use this approach is to decide which tasks are important but not urgent. You can then schedule time to focus on those tasks when you have more time.

Be Technology Conscious

Many people spend too much time on their phones or computers on social media or other forms of entertainment in my opinion. Not only is this very unproductive but you are taking yourself out of a moment that could be spent with your family. I made a decision three years ago to remove myself from all social media platforms and this was honestly one of the best decisions I have ever made. I was completely oblivious to just how much time I was wasting or the conversations and relationships I was neglecting by spending so much of my time mindlessly scrolling through social media. Working a full time job, working on my health and fitness, taking college courses and any other pursuit I am working on takes up a large chunk of my days. Add in 5-6 hours of unnecessary screen time a day and you can quickly see how it becomes easy to neglect the people in your life and the things that really matter. Now when I'm not at work, my attention is solely on my family. I schedule my gym time in the mornings before work while everyone is sleeping or later in the evening after everyone goes to bed. School work or writing these blogs are often done on breaks at work or at night while everyone is sleeping. This is the system that I have found works best for me and my family and  the adjustment period it took is well worth it in the end.

Track your activities with a journal

There are many ways to track your activities and see how you spend your time. You can use a journal, a spreadsheet, an app or any other tool to track your activities. It’s a good idea to track your activities for a few days and see how you spend your time. You can then use this information to identify areas where you can improve your time management skills. You can use this information to create a daily, weekly or monthly schedule. You can also use this information to track your progress towards your goals. This will help you to stay accountable to yourself and see how you’re doing.


There are many ways to improve your time management skills and optimise your day. Make sure to write down your to-do list, create a schedule and stick to it, track your activities and use technology in the most time efficient way to avoid neglecting the things in life that are the most important. You can also use a journal to track your activities and track your progress towards your goals. Finally, you can use these tips to improve your time management skills and become more productive.



About The Author


My name is Austin Snow, I am the founder and author of ameliorating-man. I started this blog as an opportunity to devlop my writing and content creation skills. I have always loved writing, poetry mostly, which has been a creative outlet for me. The concept of ameliorating-man is simple, be the best man I can be, and to provide some helpful insight for other men wanting to better themselves. The word ameliorate means to "make better" and that is exactly my intention. I want to be a better man, a better husband, and a better father. I want to improve my health, my capacity for knowledge, my writing abilities, and my own personal skills. In my eyes that is what life is all about, being better than you were the day before. In this blog I will explore topics of personal interest including fitness, nutrition, mental health, relationships, fatherhood and any other self help topics I think can help benefit my life as a man. I will share my own stories and lessons that I have learned along the way as well as things I wish I would have known sooner to help others on their own respective journey.
