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When Is The Best Time For Exercise

When Is The Best Time For Exercise
Photo by Samuel Girven / Unsplash

When Is the Ideal Time for Exercise? It May Surprise You!

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Photo by Luke Chesser / Unsplash

Researchers have been exploring the ideal time for exercise to get the maximum benefits for decades. But the answer isn’t as simple as you might think. In fact, it can depend almost entirely on your personal circumstances and habits. For example, some people prefer early morning workouts to ensure they get it done before their day gets busy; others like exercising later in the evening after work, while others prefer an afternoon workout when the gym might be less busy. With so many conflicting recommendations out there, is there really a better time of the day for you to get a workout in? Let's read through some of the data to find out!

Photo by gina lin / Unsplash

Morning exercise

First up, morning exercise. This is one of the best times to exercise as it is proven to have some very specific benefits. Here are a few reasons why it may be best for you to exercise in the morning rather than another time of day: - Morning exercise can provide an additional kick start to your body’s metabolism and release hormones that will help you lose weight. Research has shown that morning cardio can potentially burn more fat than evening cardio as it is more likely you are in a deeper fasted state compared to later in the evening. I have always found that when I workout in the morning I have a lot more energy throughout the day. Not only is my energy better but I have noticed better mental clarity and a more positive mood. Morning workouts also allow me to be more flexible with my to do list throughout the day, or gives me the freedom to go straight home after work to spend more time with family instead of trying to schedule in the gym. The last benefit for me is generally by the end of the day if I had an early Morning workout I am so tired that I have no issues falling asleep or at a reasonable time, and my quality of sleep seems to be much better on days I exercise.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao / Unsplash

Afternoon exercise

A late morning or early afternoon workout Is my personal favorite. I have found that I have the most energy, strength output and focus around 1130am-12pm. I really enjoy being able to wake up slowly in the morning, grabbing some coffee with my wife and just soaking up the morning rays. There isn't a lot of clear data surrounding afternoon workouts being better than a morning or evening workout but one study published on found that your body was able to better regulate our circadian rhythm by producing more of the proteins needed to regulate the circadian rhythm.

Other studies have found that strength output can be higher in the afternoon possibly due to higher glucose levels from meals we have eaten. We are also less fatigued from the day than we would be later in the evening.

Photo by Grzegorz Rakowski / Unsplash

Evening exercise

Exercising in the evening is another good time to hit the gym. This is because you’ll be able to fit it into your daily routine more easily and it always gives me something to look forward to that I get to do for myself after a day at work. The downside for me was always trying to fall asleep that night after working out especially if it was a really late workout. Studies have shown that aerobic exercises produce endorphins that make us more alert and this could be the cause to my inability to falling asleep at night following a workout.

Photo by LOGAN WEAVER | @LGNWVR / Unsplash

Bottom line

As you can see, there are many benefits to exercising at different times of the day. However, you might find that one time of day is better for you than others. The best way to find out is to try different times and see what works best for you. Once you find a time that works for you, you can make it part of your daily routine. I believe it's less important to focus on the time of day you choose to work out, the benefits are in the consistency and effort you put into your workout.

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Have a great day!


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About The Author

‌My name is Austin Snow, I am the founder and author of ameliorating-man. I started this blog as an opportunity to devlop my writing and content creation skills. I have always loved writing, poetry mostly, which has been a creative outlet for me. The concept of ameliorating-man is simple, be the best man I can be, and to provide some helpful insight for other men wanting to better themselves. The word ameliorate means to "make better" and that is exactly my intention. I want to be a better man, a better husband, and a better father. I want to improve my health, my capacity for knowledge, my writing abilities, and my own personal skills. In my eyes that is what life is all about, being better than you were the day before. In this blog I will explore topics of personal interest including fitness, nutrition, mental health, relationships, fatherhood and any other self help topics I think can help benefit my life as a man. I will share my own stories and lessons that I have learned along the way as well as things I wish I would have known sooner to help others on their own respective journey.

Cited Article Resource's  

Schroeder AM, Truong D, Loh DH, Jordan MC, Roos KP, Colwell CS. Voluntary scheduled exercise alters diurnal rhythms of behaviour, physiology and gene expression in wild-type and vasoactive intestinal peptide-deficient mice. J Physiol. 2012 Dec 1;590(23):6213-26. doi: 10.1113/jphysiol.2012.233676. Epub 2012 Sep 17. PMID: 22988135; PMCID: PMC3530127.l

Chtourou H, Souissi N. The effect of training at a specific time of day: a review. J Strength Cond Res. 2012 Jul;26(7):1984-2005. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e31825770a7. PMID: 22531613.
